Sunday, August 5, 2012

How in the world has a whole year gone by since my last blog post??? Unbelievable! And yet totally believable with this crazy world where one day becomes a week, becomes a month, and, alas, becomes a year. Lots of changes have taken place in our household. We are in the process of moving back near our hometown which is stressful enough, but, in addition, the completion of the 2nd book in the Harvest Bay Series, The Heart's Lullaby, was quite trying and I honestly didn't have the time to keep up with a blog. Truthfully, I still don't think I have anything to say that y'all would want to read, but I'm getting the itch to blog/journal again so if you feel like keeping up, welcome aboard!

I wanted to bring your attention to 2 new gadgets on the sidebars of this page. On the left you'll see I added a gadget for our annual 5K for Patty. To find out everything you could possibly want to know about this event, go to Then on the right you'll see my "Upcoming Events" gadget. Things will be picking up here in the next few months as the release date for The Heart's Lullaby draws near and I want to keep you as up-to-date as possible on where I'll be and what I'll be doing. I love, love, LOVE seeing familiar faces and meeting new friends at my events.

I'm still posting prayer requests so send them to me as a need arises, but then keep us abreast of the situation. I have many fierce prayer warriors out there that will honestly and earnestly pray for you and/or your loved one as long as it is needed. You may be facing a storm, but you are NEVER alone. You can send your requests to or message me on Facebook.

Must sign off for now, but I'll be back again soon. Until then, blessings to all!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep writing girl! You have do much to say!