Monday, June 21, 2010

What a Difference You've Made in My Life

What a difference I've made in this blog, too! What can I say? It was time for a make over.

Did I ever tell you why I named the contest "What a Difference You've Made in My Life"??? Well, it seems appropriate in many ways for me to take just a sec and tell you now.

My daddy was that person for me. The day after Father's Day is not the easiest for me to talk about him because I still miss him so much every day. Well, Ronnie Milsap was one of our favorite singers. I can remember listening to 8 tracks of Ronnie in his old Cougar. Yes, I know I'm dating myself. Once he told me a bedtime story about a little boy who became bind and here it was the biography of Ronnie. When we'd go on vacations we'd listen to Ronnie, Alabama, and Randy Travis. After Daddy died, Ronnie's song "What a Difference You've Made in My Life" took on a whole new meaning, as you can imagine. Listen to the words, and I hope it takes on a whole new meaning for your very special loved ones - parents, children, siblings, friends, teachers, pastors, whoever that person is for you.

A few hours ago my second contest ended and I HAD to draw 2 names from a hat, though the entries were all so very touching I wish I could just put them all in the book . . . don't think my publisher would like that too much! :o) I had a low number of entries this time - 7 females and only 4 males. I want this to be a part of every book I write. Selfishly speaking, getting to know Cassie's and Dan's family for The Heart's Journey Home was one of my biggest blessings in writing the book. They are my friends now and I will always carry Mindy and Tammy (Cassie's mom and aunt) and Brenda and little Jon (Dan's wife and son) and the rest of their families in my heart. If your nominee wasn't one that was drawn, please don't let it stop you from entering him/her the next time I hold this contest, I'm just guessing in about a year. Nothing would make me happier than to see some of the same names.

Okay, so onto the winners of my 2nd "What a Difference you've Made in My Life" contest for my second book in the Harvest Bay Series, The Heart's Lullaby, scheduled for release in March 2011. Drum roll please . . .

For the female entry the winner is . . . Janet Haase who nominated her grand daughter, Stephanie McCorkle. Congratulations, Janet!

For the male entry the winner is . . . Lou Ann Gibson who nominated her daddy, Bill Gibson. Congratulations, Lou Ann!

Bios for Stephanie and Bill will be posted here after I get them written.

Again, thank you all for sharing your precious loved ones with me! I sincerely wish there was room in my book for you all, but trust me when I say there IS room in my heart for you all and you've ALL touched my heart with your stories.


Lou Ann said...

Jen, I love the "makeover" for your site! Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunities to share our loved ones, our prayers concerns and our praises with you and your readers through this site.

I am so excited that daddy's name was chosen from your contest. Thank you and may God pour out His blessings over you as you continue to spread joy and encouragement to others for His glory and through His name.

Julia M. Reffner said...

Jen, How sweet! This really touched my heart. Thanks for sharing about your Dad! I have a feeling this will be a step of healing for everyone involved. I would love to hear Stephanie and Bill's stories.

Jen Riffle said...

Lou Ann, you continue to bless my heart. Thank you, my friend! Julia, I could talk for hours on end about my daddy. I wish I could share him with the whole world (but keep a few special things just for me!) I pray my writing helps someone heal and grow in their faith walk. If I touch just one person, everything I put into it will be well worth it. I will get Stephanie's and Bill's bios done and posted soon.