I can't tell you how excited I am, but . . . Well, I have to admit, while it truly is a wonderful dream come true to have my work in print, it is somewhat nerve wracking, too. The very idea that all of my hard work, my heart and soul, is available to whoever wants to take a gander at it is really sobering. I'm just being honest with you.
Having said that, I'm also trusting in the Lord that He will use this book to touch a lives. And THAT is the very exciting part! I'd love, love, LOVE to hear from you! Please, let me know how The Heart's Journey Home has affected your walk with the Lord or your relationship with others or just your outlook on life. One of my dear friends who actually received her preordered book on Thursday posted this on my facebook wall, "Jen, the book was wonderful!!!! I am just upset that I have to wait so long for book 2 to come out. You brought the characters and their faith to life with such ease. It was a joy and pleasure to read and made me want to examine my faith a little more!!!!!! A job very well done, your Dad would be so proud!!!!!" Another friend texted me and told me she wished she could move to Harvest Bay! Just like when someone tells you how impressed they are because your child did this or that, every writer is thrilled to know how their "baby" caught your attention. So if you have a moment after reading The Heart's Journey Home, please leave a comment here or (if you're on facebook) on my wall.
And if you feel compelled, please tell your friends just as I am going to tell you about a wonderful, moving book that I just finished reading from my friend and author, Joy DeKok. Joy's book is titled Rain Dance. Rain Dance is a gripping story about the power of love. This book turns the impossible into the possible through the power of Christ's love. In the most dire of circumstances, when two women at complete opposite ends of the spectrum are at their lowest, they reach out to one another. In that moment a seed is planted that forever changes their lives. What I love about this book is that the characters are very real. Everything doesn't end up in a pretty package tied up with a bow. It isn't a fairytale, BUT everyone does live happily ever after because of the promise Christians have in Romans 8:28. While the topics may be tough for many to consider, I highly recommend Rain Dance to all women because of the underlying theme of the true bond of a very special friendship. You can find Rain Dance at any online book seller or through sheafhouse.com.
PRAYER REQUESTS: A very special thanks to Susan Johnson of Susan Johnson's Photography and Rebecca Brewer for allowing me to post a picture of our first prayer request. This handsome young soldier is Justin Richardson and has just left for Afganistan. This will be at least his second tour on that foreign soil. Also, another young soldier, Chris Knight, who is from the same area has recently been deployed. Aren't you just so grateful for what men and women like Justin and Chris have done for us??? When I put my girls to bed at night I can rest easy knowing that they will be safe all night long. It's not like that in other parts of the world. When you get up on Sunday morning and go to your church home, do you think about the fact that without our military men and women, we all quite possibly would have to go to a church that the government chooses? Christ died to free us from the bondage of sin. These men and women fight AS THEIR JOB, knowing that death is a real possibility for many of them, to prevent us from living in a country of bondage. Yes, I'm on a soapbox! Why aren't you??? Please pray right now for Justin and Chris. Pray this very moment, that a mighty hedge of protection will surround them while they are in that foreign land. Prayer warriors, pray that these young men will FEEL the Lord right there alongside them, another Soldier in a hostile world. For strength, pray Isaiah 40:31 over them: "but (insert name) who hope(s) in the LORD will renew (his) strength. (He) will soar on wings like eagles; (he) will run and not grow weary, (he) will walk and not be faint." For peace, pray Isaiah 26:12 over them: "LORD, you establish peace for (insert name); all that (he) (has) accomplished you have done for (him)." Also, please don't forget to pray for the mamas of these fine young gentlemen - Rebecca Brewer and Chris's mother. Pray right now that their minds will be able to rest at ease. Pray that they know without a shadow of a doubt that their babies (because every mama's child is her baby no matter how old they are or how far away they go) are SAFE IN THE FATHER'S HANDS. And while they are at home missing their babies, pray that these wonderful women use this time to draw even closer to our Lord and Savior.
Also, prayer warriors, please pray for Adam & Karla Henry as they have recently lost their 19-day-old baby, George Emory Henry. Georgie was born prematurely with a form of dwarfism, and though he fought hard, he just couldn't make it. Pray for them now, but more importantly in the weeks and months to come when reality begins to set in and they find the world just keeps spinning and the people on it just keep moving on. Pray for them at every holiday when they long for their baby to celebrate with. Pray that they can find strength in the Lord and comfort in each other until they see their sweet Georgie again.
And I just received this message from a friend: "If you can will you put my niece Emily Crowl on your prayer list. She has been fighting ulceritis colitis for years now and is in remission. She is 18 yrs old and plays bb for Motlow State College. She got really dizzy yesterday and sick so they took her to the ER. My sister is taking her to her regular doctor today to see whats wrong." Please, cover Emily in prayer right now. Pray for wisdom for her doctors to know exactly what's wrong. And above all else, pray that it is NOTHING SERIOUS! Pray for quick and complete healing and recovery so she can get back to her basketball and pray for her family to have peace of mind while they wait for the news.
UPDATES: I have great news to report! According to my friend who asked prayer for Nadja Welch, they really thought she was going to have to have major surgery on her heart and thanks to God's healing, it wasn't necessary. She is doing fantastic! Awesome! I love taking names off the list due to answered prayers!!!
Also, Kitrick Schrader, is at home! He still has quite a bit of recovering to do, but he WILL recover! Praise the Lord! I'm going to leave his name on the list as he continues to recover.
Unfortunately, Robin Baughman is not doing so well. Previously ALMOST cancer free, the doctors have discovered a spot on her liver, and apparently at this point, with all she's been through she doesn't have much along the lines of treatment options. I don't know about you, but I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!! Pray for one right now! But, also, pray for God's perfect will to be done. Pray for strength for Robin and pray that her pain is minimal. Pray for her to be bathed in heavenly peace. Pray that her children and husband can know that same peace. Pray that, though the separation may at times be unbearable, if that is in fact God's will, pray that they can rest in the hope they've been given of ETERNAL life.
As I close for the night, let us all rest in that hope, for we don't know what tomorrow might bring. Until next time, my friends, enjoy the journey!
As I close for the night, let us all rest in that hope, for we don't know what tomorrow might bring. Until next time, my friends, enjoy the journey!
i just read Rain Dance. It was a very moving story!
Congrats on your book.
I do believe in MIRACLES!!
Jen, I just finished your book. I started it during SSR at school and was disappointed I had to put it down to finish my afternoon of classes. I continued to read when I had the opportunity, and I just finished it! I must say I have a tear-stained face and my heart was truly blessed by the words and inspirations of your book. The spirit of the Lord touched my heart, and I felt myself living the story of Kate. I have been seeking answers in my life too, with the death of my dad two years ago this week, and the normal hills and valleys life and throw in one's path. Your book helped remind me that answers will come in God's time. Thank you for coming to Monroeville and sharing the gift of your book. I plan on passing it on to members of my family and look forward to reading your other books. Congratulations! I know whatever success you gain with your writing, God will bless you in countless ways. Your English teacher...Connie
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