Sunday, December 7, 2008

Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate???

Well, I thought since my last post might have gotten filed under the "downer" category, I'd liven things up this evening and maybe even give you something to think about. The sweet Senior from our school that I've mentioned in past posts "tagged" me (actually I asked her permission to use her idea first and then she just tagged me) and I think once you're tagged you get to copy and paste the questionaire into your blog and then answer the questions and tag someone else to do the same. Is that right, Hannah?

I am going to "tag" two people. I guess that's allowed because Hannah did it. I'm tagging my good friend and mentor Ramona Richards and my buddy from my writer's group, Krista Phillips, who is a gem of a writer just waiting to be discovered. Please check both of their blogs out under my blog list and please check out Hannah's under the tab Set Apart For The Grandeur Of My Master. She is truly a very special young woman.

Now, (drum roll, please!) onto the Christmas Questionaire . . .

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? I love egg nog!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He sits them under the tree with a big bow and a tag with either Alison or Olivia's name on their toys.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored lights definitely!

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope! Chris and I don't need it! ;-)

5. When do you put your decorations up? Within a day before or after Thanksgiving.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Hmm . . . I'd have to say my ham. Simply Delicioso!

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child: So many! I remember the year that Santa came early because my youngest sister was very close to being born. I think Mom called Santa because she didn't want him to come and have us not be there. I remember the year we drove to my dad and step-mom's house in Michigan in a BLIZZARD! That was a little hairy, but it's funny how now that I'm an adult, all of my holiday memories are special.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What do you mean "truth"? I still believe in Santa! ;-)

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes. We usually start a few days before Christmas and let the girls open one a day. We find they're a lot less overwhelmed on Christmas Day if we do it that way. And plus, it just get too durned exciting! I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? We have one tree in our living room decorated with multicolored lights and tons of precious keepsake ornaments that the girls have made or that have been given to us by family members over the years. I love looking at the ornaments every year and recalling all of the memories that go along with it!

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? LOVE it! It's one of the two things I miss about Ohio. (The other is our family, of course!)

12. Can you ice skate? I could when my ankles were healthy. I haven't been on skates since I injured my right one so I'm really not sure.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Yes! When I was, oh, probably around Alison's age (7) my mom made me a yellow two story doll house for my glamor girls (the equivalent of a Polly Pocket). It was sah-weet! If I remember correctly, it was hinged and I think it even had working lights, didn't it, Mom? I remember I actually found it snooping around in Mom's closet! She said something to cover it up. Then Santa hid it behind the tree under my mom's red and white afghan. Too funny! I also loved my first Cabbage Patch doll, Daniella, that Santa brought me at my dad and step-mom's. She had dark brown long pig tails and came in a yellow dress with a little pink satin heart stitched on it. I loved her!

14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Going to church, reading the Christmas story, and watching my girls open their gifts. Joy, pure joy.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Probably our "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake that the girls help me make every year. Sometimes it tastes just okay - a little dry or whatever - but we have fun and make memories making the cake! Ooo, and I LOVE the Holiday Peppermint icecream from Purity Dairy. I start craving it before Thanksgiving and can eat it until Valentines Day!!!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Probably opening presents and then calling everyone on the telephone to thank them and wish them a merry Christmas.

17. What tops your tree? An angel that lights up. She's 14 years old and she's gorgeous!

18.Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving, hands down.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? I love all of the traditional songs and carols. Oh Holy Night was actually played at mine and Chris' wedding which took place 10 years ago this coming Friday so it holds a very special place in my heart. But my all time favorite ever is (drum roll again, please!) Little Drummer Boy.

20. Candy Canes​!​ Yuck or Yum? From Dec. 1-31, yum. Every other time of the year, YUCK! :)

21. What do you want for Christmas? A million dollars! LOL! But I'll really be very happy with a quiet, peaceful day with my husband and two little girls who are tickled at what Santa has brought them!

22. Do you attend an annual Christmas Party? Yes, one for our school faculty, one for my students during the school day (Of course I attend it! I'm the teacher!) and one for church.

23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs? Not PJs, but casual lounging pants and t-shirt. On Christmas Eve we get all fancied up for church and sometimes dinner if Chris isn't running too late.

24. Do you own a Santa hat? Yes. We have 4 in this house! Two are actually purple FedEx Santa hats!

25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Chris, Alison, and Olivia.

That's it! Hope you liked reading about my holiday traditions and memories. It's really fun to think back on Christmas' past. How about you? Any of these little questions make you think of a fun tradition or memory that you have? Please, share!

I'll be blogging again soon. Until then, please continue to pray for those on our list of prayer concerns. Happy Advent to you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,
I haven't left a comment in so long and am feeling very sad about that. I still read every one of your blogs and am so unbelievable touched by every single one.

So let me set the scene... right now, I am listening to "Believe" by Josh Groban that you put on your blog--love that feature by the way, am writing you as tears are streaming down my face. THis time of year always gives me such a pot pourri of emotions. I feel such joy and excitement in celebrating with the kids and my husband. I feel such sadness and longing to see our Daddy again. I miss him so much! I feel an immense amount of thankfulness that I can buy my kids gifts and have a warm house and food and a tree and I am especially thankful for our jobs!!!! Man am I thankful! And I am so humbled that Jesus came to save me---yes me! The sinner that I am, He came to save me!!! I am also thankful for the conversation that took place last year between my oldest child and myself that has changed my life forever. In the hustle and bustle, I was severely losing sight of why we celebrate Christmas. He simply said to me, in all his youthful wisdom, "Mom, if the holidays are supposed to be about family and we have to wait till after the holidays to spend time together as a family, then why even bother to celebrate the holidays?" Needless to say, this year is much different and will be forever and always.

Jennifer, I share some of the same memories as you. I loved keeping that dollhouse a secret from you. I knew all about it and even got to see it come together. And that blizzard...whew, what an adventure. I remember skiing till our legs about fell off. I loved opening up my school jacket. That was probably my favorite gift. And your Cabbage Patch...Daniella Fransisca was her full name--I'm sure you knew that-- and mine was Rachel Sheila...remember playing with them and the laundry chute? I could go on and on.....I loved the candlelight services at St. John. But now, I get to make more memories for my kids and I am loving that so much. This year, my 8 year old is so doubtful about Santa so we are going to work really hard to keep her believing at least one more year. I want to carry on old memories and start new ones. So as I close, know that I miss you so much and pray every day that someday, we will be able to celebrate the holidays together again, just like we used to. I love you sis! And Merry Christmas!

P.S. Mike and I don't need mistletoe either--another thing I am thankful for

Jen Riffle said...

I miss you, too, sis! We are so much alike! I'm feelling all of those same feelings and this year especially the THANKFULNESS! I have such gratitude in my heart that we can do something for Ali and Livi but I feel so much sadness that so many families can't. Give Clay, Paigey, and Baby Mia a great big hug and kiss from Aunt Jenny! I hope we get to see you in the spring! I'll be miss you until then! Love you all lots!

Krista Phillips said...

Jen, thanks for the mention, you are so sweet! I'll post the 'tagged' questionairre probably sometime this weekend. And I'd love your opinion on my most recent "Wonder Woman" post too as a fellow working mother!

Family traditions? Wow, I am a VERY traditional person and I have tons of them, plus I'll be filling out the list myself soon, but one of the first ones that come to mind is FOOD. For Christmas dinner, wow, years and years ago, we started a tradition of having Prime Rib. We were turkey'ed and ham'ed out from Thanksgiving and Easter, so we decided to have something different. It is always delish and something I look forward to every year!