Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer Fun!

How can summer be half over already?!? (We go back to school in early August.) We just got back from a fun-filled trip to visit all of our family and some of my close friends in Ohio. We fished with Papa, visited a horse farm where my niece and nephew take riding lessons, and had three (yes, THREE!) birthday parties for my "baby", Alison. (She's 7 today. Not quite a baby anymore, but I tell her she'll be my baby until she's 84!)

One thing I was reminded of during this trip (besides what I've known all along and, more often than not, have taken for granted - the importance of family) is exactly how long I've been writing and exactly how much I've written. I got to visit with two of my really good girlfriends from high school and they both told me about poems I'd written for them that they still have and that I don't even remember writing! It just reinforced in me, in my brain and my heart, that writing is as much a part of who I am as being a wife, a mother, and a teacher are, and it's something that I have to do . . . no matter how much sleep I lose in the process! :)

Here's a pic from our vacation - our annual Maple tree picture. Chris planted this tree in his parents' yard when he was in grade school and it was just a sapling! It's fun to see our family grow in it year after year.

One last thing: please pray for my best friend from high school, Patty Smith. She has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is getting ready for chemo in about 4 weeks. Add her and her family to your prayer lists - at church, at work/school, at home, where ever you have one, and I'll keep you posted on her progress. There is power in prayer!


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I read your "Summer Fun" article and I remembered a poem you wrote around Easter so I went hunting for it. I found your scrapbook with your poems, writings, pictures, gradecards, letters to us, etc. As I was turning these pages of memories I didn't find the poem I was looking for, although I'm sure we kept it, but I did find a poem you wrote to your Dad titled "Dear Daddy" and two of your short stories..."The Beautiful Black Stallion Wins Again" and "The Secret Hiding Place". Remember Gerterude? There were several letters from her in that book of memories also. As a child and teen, you were always writing. Writing has always been a part of your life.

I think it is time for you to have the book of memories so remind me to give it to you when I see you next week (I may have a senior moment and forget). The book covers so many memories.

Keep up the excellent work!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hey sis!
It was so nice to have you here! I miss you already. But what I really wanted to comment on is what you said about writing being who you are. You are so very right. Ever since I can remember, you have been so animated and to be able to put that on paper for the whole world to see is such a gift and I am so glad that you aren ot going to waste it. Remember what I used to say about you....."Jennifer could talk her way out of a tank of sharks if she had to!" LOL! Those were the days! Gotta go! Can't wait till your next blog!
Love ya,

mom said...

Jennifer,I found a Christmas card you made for me back in 1985. I've kept it all these years. This is what you wrote; There might be 6 or 7 yellow flowers in one patch, but in the patch you are in, you are the brightest flower of all.
Love always,

You were 9 years old and already putting together words. I think if you look close enough in that flower patch, you'd see another flower just as bright. That one is you, Jennifer. When you were 9 you were just a bud but you certainly have opened up to be a beautiful fully open flower.
Love you always,

Amy Deardon said...

Hi Jen --

Here I am. Thanks for visiting my blog -- it's almost like a community tea party where we all drop in to meet and say hi.

Congratulations on getting your book published! This is a great accomplishment. For what it's worth, I prefer "Jen" as author name (June 4th entry) because it's a little unusual, but for a romance it may not fly. It's great your publisher is easygoing about this!

Good luck with the writing. Have you started on the next book yet, or taking a break? (I'm just starting to get back in the writing groove after a quiet year resting and then getting Lever ready to go -- this is, I understand, a big no-no but oh well). Give me a shout sometime; I'll stop by to say hi too.



Amy Deardon said...

PS I'm sorry to hear about your friend Patty. This is tragic. I'll pray for her and her family.