Tuesday, January 27, 2009


First, I want to thank those of you who commented on my scene 2 posts ago. Your input was very helpful. Based on the counsel of trustworthy and godly friends, I am planning on changing it SLIGHTLY. I don't think you'll be disappointed, but that is why I stress that the snippets are UNEDITED. Chances are they'll change somewhat.

I told you in the last post that I would give you more info on baby Diesel as soon as I got it. Diesel Rhodes was born in October to Tanya and Nate Rhodes. They live in California, but since Diesel was born they have been calling Memphis home. See, Diesel was born with three tumors on his back and three on his brain. The Lord is already doing a miracle in Diesel because He removed the three from his back sometime between leaving Bakersfield, CA and arriving at St. Jude in Memphis. Diesel has already been through so much in the 3 1/2 - 4 months he's been on this earth, but as I mentioned in my last post, I believe that their circumstances will knit that precious family together and to the Lord with an unbreakable thread. And I believe that the perseverance Diesel is already showing will mold him and shape his character into a true warrior for the Lord one day! Watch and see. The Lord has big, BIG plans for baby Diesel. He will certainly be a walking, talking testimony of the Lord's mercy and great love for us! Please pray for his healing and strength. Pray for strength, peace, and comfort for Tanya and Nate. Pray for the wonderful doctors at St. Jude, that they will know exactly what to do to for baby Diesel.

Little William Hickson is in surgery as I type. Please keep him, his daddy, Stan, his mama, Alice-Lyle, and all of his doctors in your prayers. I'll post an update on him as soon as I get one.

Also, Kristin Miller is preparing for surgery tomorrow. Please pray for a supernatural peace to fall on her and her husband like a gentle rain and for a warm, fuzzy blanket of comfort and hop to wrap around them. Pray in advance for her doctors. Pray now that the Lord will guide their hands during her surgery. As with William, I will post and update as soon as I get one.

Also, please pray for my grandmother, Betty Moltz. She had a mild heart attack on Sunday. She's in the hospital and is supposed to be having a heart cath today along with a stint or angioplasy to help with any blockage. My mom said her spirits are good, and sometimes, I believe, that can make all the difference in the world! Please pray for strength and healing for her. Please, pray for comfort for my grandpa. And pray for wisdom for her doctors to know exactly what to do for her. And please pray for me, that I can sit 500 miles away from her and the rest of my family and NOT go crazy!

Always remember, if you or someone you know has a prayer concern (even if it is unspoken - God knows all of our needs after all) please email me personally through my profile and I will be more than happy to post it. There IS power in prayer! There really, really is!

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